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This website is owned by Double Farley Creative Partners Limited. Please note that any work shared on this website, and the website content itself, is protected by a Creative Commons licence.
User contributed content
As far as practicable we take care to moderate any user contributed content to ensure it is not offensive, does not denigrate others, does not breach intellectual property or privacy rights, and supports free, frank, and respectful conversation. However we are not responsible for content contributed by users and we take no responsibility for the accuracy or authenticity of any user contributed content.
We reserve the right to remove any user contributed content that is offensive, denigrates others in any way, breaches intellectual property rights, or does not support free, frank, and respectful conversation.
Third party websites
Double Farley Creative Partners has no control over, and no liability for any third party websites or materials. From time to time we may provide links to other websites for informative purposes only.
If Double Farley Creative Partners receives, or may receive, an affiliate payment from a link, this will be clearly indicated on the site. You will also be able to find an updated list of any affiliate relationships on our site.
This website is owned by Double Farley Creative Partners Limited. Please note that any work shared on this website, and the website content itself, is protected by a Creative Commons licence.
User contributed content
As far as practicable we take care to moderate any user contributed content to ensure it is not offensive, does not denigrate others, does not breach intellectual property or privacy rights, and supports free, frank, and respectful conversation. However we are not responsible for content contributed by users and we take no responsibility for the accuracy or authenticity of any user contributed content.
We reserve the right to remove any user contributed content that is offensive, denigrates others in any way, breaches intellectual property rights, or does not support free, frank, and respectful conversation.
Third party websites
Double Farley Creative Partners has no control over, and no liability for any third party websites or materials. From time to time we may provide links to other websites for informative purposes only.
If Double Farley Creative Partners receives, or may receive, an affiliate payment from a link, this will be clearly indicated on the site. You will also be able to find an updated list of any affiliate relationships on our site.
Double Farley Creative Partners Limited is registered in New Zealand as a limited liability company.
Trading names include Double Farley and Double Farley Ltd. New Zealand Business Number (NZBN): 9429041828526. GST registered in New Zealand: 117-168-336. |